Will be back tonight. :)You call it madness, but I call it love.
Holidays officially ends ! :(
I didn't touch my book at all.
Will start studying like mad starting tomorrow, hopefully. :/
Have been updating consecutively for a week now.
*pats self on the head
I don't think I'll be able to do this after today, but I' ll try if I have the time and materials to blog about. :)
Wish me luck for school tomorrow. :O
Hope I remember to bring my seat cushion back to school tomorrow.
I forgot to bring it back after the CNY holidays.
And, no, I don't go to school to sleep. (At times, I do, but that's not the main point, lol !)
The chair super hard, and so uncomfortable okay ! :(

I was going through some old pictures in my files.
So, thought of blogging them.
It was during Chinese New Year this year.
Went out with Aemus and Pinky.
Aemus came to pick me up and we headed to Yoong Hui's house to fetch Pinky.
Went to Gurney.
We did something stupid at the toll.
Pinky came up with the idea to pay the toll fees in a red packet.
Oh yes...., she is that IMAGINATIVE ! :P
We were freaking good okay ! We paid our fun with an extra buck !
That fella has a ONE RINGGIT tip from us yo !
Went to Gurney, met up with Wei Shiang, and watched Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
Thanks, WS, for the movie. :)
Had to go out earlier though, cause we has to buy Eric's birthday present before going to his house for a surprise birthday party.
Fetched Alvin, Yong Seng & one more friend of theirs to Eric's house at Pearl Garden.
Celebrated just a while cause I had to buy movie tickets for the family back in mainland.
We went to Aeon, Jusco for dinner.
I skipped dinner and I bought tickets for Tiger Woohoo (大日子).
Rushed home, and went out with the family to Aeon again.
Rushed home, and went out with the family to Aeon again.
My mood was really down the whole time, so I didn't really pay full attention to the movie.
But, I remembered a few funny scenes.
The part where this guy keeps asking for donation and flips his hair, HAHAH !
And the part where the dumb guy was conned by his friends who wanted to use his car. LOL !
That's all for the day.
Peace out ! ♥

At first when I see you cry, yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for a while, but then I just smile I go ahead and smile
Woke up at 9 this morning to practice the Undang test, lol !
I didn't study, read nor open the KPP book at all.
I registered for the test just yesterday and took it today, hahah.
Mommy was nagging and said why was I so stubborn, lol. Always act without thinking. (Not all the time okay !)
Luckily, I passed ! No need to get scolding and nags from her.
*wipes sweat
Gonna listen theory this Monday, and YAY !, I'm gonna have my L ! :D :D
Not car though, bummer. :(
Anyway, going down to KL tonight !
Coming back this Sunday night. :D
Most probably reaching around 12-ish to 1-ish in the morning.

I wonder if they won. ;)
Oh, picture taken from Vian's Twitpic.
Still have not packed my luggage yet.
Au revoir ! ♥
Pinky is here to stalk in my house instead of working like she should be !
That's what she asked me to type, lol !
Anyway, Pinky, Jo- Ey, Vian (These three are the main ones), Jo and PSW came to my house to prepare their stuff for the Girl Guides' cooking competition in Chung Ling Butterworth tomorrow. I was in their group at first, but TheParents are going down to KL for some talk and Mommy said she cannot trust me. T.T That is why I had to drop out at the last minute and follow them down.
At least I get to meet up with TheSister. :)

We were stalking pretty girls, heh. ;)
After that, Jo went back, then when she online-ed back home, Pinky asked her to webcam ! :D

Everyone went back, and now Jo's sending me the KPP test.
It's not working ! -.-
Received everything but they said something's in error.
It has been the whole day ! :(
So Mun Hou's coming over to my house with his pendrive.
Undang test tmr !
I better not fail at my first try.
So expensive to retake. T.T
Better take loads of cash there, lol !

It's not working ! -.-
Received everything but they said something's in error.
It has been the whole day ! :(
So Mun Hou's coming over to my house with his pendrive.
Undang test tmr !
I better not fail at my first try.
So expensive to retake. T.T
Better take loads of cash there, lol !

It's the fifth day of my first term holidays, and I'm trying (really hard) to blog everyday.
Well, there aren't many plans for me this holidays, so not much to blog. That's the worst part of being a blogger.
Anyway, Mommy keeps asking me to follow them (including Daddy) to work everyday.
I'm really lazy, and I don't really like going there because the place stinks.
I'm not gonna tell where or what my parents do, it's personal. ;)
Only the closest (and the kpc-iest) friends knows what they do or mainly what Daddy does.
What are you thinking ?
Black ? It might be, HAHAH !
Anyway, when I tell Mommy that, she'll say......
What am I gonna do with you ? You're gonna take over this place in the future.
I'm so gonna spray perfume all over the place one day.
Oh, and even before taking over, I have to study my ass off to get the license. T.T
Why aren't my sister or brother interested in what Daddy does ?!
The pay is not that bad what !
Got house, got wife, got children (Three BEAUTIFUL children some more ! :P)
I'm the last child, so they are putting high hopes on me which I keep telling Daddy not to.
Okay...., I feel lame now, so I should go to bed.
Toodles !
I'll be back hyper tonight yo !
Keep stalking me in Twitter owhs. :P
*chirps chirps
It’s a quarter after one, I’m a little drunk,
And I need you now.
Said I wouldn’t call but
I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don’t know how I can do without,
I just need you now.
Went to Betong during Chinese New Year.
Betong is a small town in Thailand, in case you didn't know, lol.
Started our journey around 9-ish, and reached around 11.
Met up with Granduncle, Grandaunt and Aunt once we reached the other side of the border.
Checked in the hotel and re-freshened a little.
Then, out for lunch !
LOL ! Yes, my aunt is the one in purple dress. & yes, she's younger than me. :P
Grandaunt's hair damn chio right ! And it's real. :D
Talking about her reminds me that the bridesmaid's dress is here, and I have not tried it on yet.
I hope I remember later. It's pink in color, btw. :X
Granduncle took us up to a hill where they sell fried rose there, but they were out of stock on that day.
The water up there is so cooling ! ♥
Better than Genting.
So hot now, I WANT !!
Stupid weather. T.T
The water up there is so cooling ! ♥
Better than Genting.
So hot now, I WANT !!
Stupid weather. T.T

Cousins, uncles and aunts went to some famous tunnel there.
My family went there a few times already, so we skipped that and went down hill to the hot spring area.
Ate till nose bleed man !
Okay fine, the weather made my nose bleed, but still, damn spicy !
Spicy till can die. T.T
Took Benjemin to the playground. :D

I'm not sure of the spelling but it's pronounced like that. So,.....yeah. ;)

They are both younger than me, lol. :)
Went back to the hotel.
All the cousins went to the opposite side of the hotel and we played the firecrackers we bought earlier.
All the cousins went to the opposite side of the hotel and we played the firecrackers we bought earlier.
It was one in the morning, and all of us cousins went back to our own room, cleaned up a little and head to my brother's room to gamble.
:D :D
Dad played with us for awhile and he won 50-ish bucks without taking out a single cent.
As usual, he'll divide the profit (?) into two and give Sis and I.
Next day........, uhhhh......, I forgot what we did.
We'll just look at pictures, why don't we.
:D :D
Dad played with us for awhile and he won 50-ish bucks without taking out a single cent.
As usual, he'll divide the profit (?) into two and give Sis and I.
Next day........, uhhhh......, I forgot what we did.
We'll just look at pictures, why don't we.

OH ! Now I remember, we went to an ice cream shop.
Celebrated Adrian's birthday there. :D
Celebrated Adrian's birthday there. :D
Sweet ice cream picture to forget about my previous post, lol !
Luckily nothing happened during the Betong trip.
Or maybe, there was "something" with us all along.
Anyway, will be going down to KL this Friday night with TheParents and gonna meet up with TheSister. :D
Clubbing, shopping ! ♥
.......if this happens ?
Do you people believe in supernatural, black magic, ghosts or sorts ?
Well, something happened to me the other day.
Not exactly scary but it was........
Just read the below story.
I went over to the island (Penang) the other day with the whole family for the nephew's birthday.
After that, went to my brother's shop near New World Park.
My sister wanted to use the toilet, but she did not want to use bro's shop's toilet.
So I followed her to Tune Hotel to use the toilet there. (Oh, we took our nephew along too.)
She went in Tune's and I went to 7-11 to get mags w/ my nephew.
I walked in Tune's to find her in the toilet, and when I went in, I asked my nephew to knock on the one of the cubicle's door.
He knocked but there was no response.
When he knocked, the door did not move nor open, so it meant there's somebody in there.
So, I thought my sister was playing, so I did not think much and went to the sink to do some stuff, and I kept calling my sister, but still no response.
Out of a sudden, the hand dryer worked !
It's only my nephew and I in the toilet, and we were VERY far away from the dryer.
I quickly carried my nephew and calmly walked out.
I was afraid that "double worlds" might happened, wtf.
Anything is possible when you are afraid okay ! T.T
When I reached the entrance of Tune's, my sister was outside there looking for me, wtfwtf.
Who/ What the hell was inside the cubicle ?!
I hope it was just short circuit. :/
Anyway, another thing happened two days back.
The trip to Taylor's the other day.
On the way back to Penang, we were playing with the dSLR's shutter and lights.
Then, the next morning, Pinky said.........,
I was out that time, so I could only see what she meant at night.
He looks like a clown, and the eyes, nose and mouth are very obvious.
Hopefully it's just the lighting.
Daddy said it looks like Mad Hatter fromAlice in Wonderland , HAHAH !
It looks like ghosts/ spirits are everywhere. :X
Beware, people, bewareeeeeee......
Have you had any encounters ?
Tell me, I wanna know. ;)
Enjoy your day folks, nyeheheheh.
*evil snickers
p/s : Credits to Pinky & her dslr. ;)
Do you people believe in supernatural, black magic, ghosts or sorts ?
Well, something happened to me the other day.
Not exactly scary but it was........
Just read the below story.
I went over to the island (Penang) the other day with the whole family for the nephew's birthday.
After that, went to my brother's shop near New World Park.
My sister wanted to use the toilet, but she did not want to use bro's shop's toilet.
So I followed her to Tune Hotel to use the toilet there. (Oh, we took our nephew along too.)
She went in Tune's and I went to 7-11 to get mags w/ my nephew.
I walked in Tune's to find her in the toilet, and when I went in, I asked my nephew to knock on the one of the cubicle's door.
He knocked but there was no response.
When he knocked, the door did not move nor open, so it meant there's somebody in there.
So, I thought my sister was playing, so I did not think much and went to the sink to do some stuff, and I kept calling my sister, but still no response.
Out of a sudden, the hand dryer worked !
It's only my nephew and I in the toilet, and we were VERY far away from the dryer.
I quickly carried my nephew and calmly walked out.
I was afraid that "double worlds" might happened, wtf.
Anything is possible when you are afraid okay ! T.T
When I reached the entrance of Tune's, my sister was outside there looking for me, wtfwtf.
Who/ What the hell was inside the cubicle ?!
I hope it was just short circuit. :/
Anyway, another thing happened two days back.
The trip to Taylor's the other day.
On the way back to Penang, we were playing with the dSLR's shutter and lights.
Then, the next morning, Pinky said.........,
"Wei. T______T the photos yesterday, on msn please and don't freak out."
I was out that time, so I could only see what she meant at night.
He looks like a clown, and the eyes, nose and mouth are very obvious.
Hopefully it's just the lighting.
Daddy said it looks like Mad Hatter from
It looks like ghosts/ spirits are everywhere. :X
Beware, people, bewareeeeeee......
Have you had any encounters ?
Tell me, I wanna know. ;)
Enjoy your day folks, nyeheheheh.
*evil snickers
p/s : Credits to Pinky & her dslr. ;)
*throws confetti
First term holidays is here yo !
New baby in my collectibles !
Bought my Golden Half before the test.
It's my own hard sweat okay !
Going to visit Taylor's Lakeside Campus tomorrow w/ the girls.
I'm super excited, wtfwtf.
Sound so "ulu".
Going to visit another college too, but I'm not sure which.
Anyway, there will be nine (?) cameras tomorrow.
PICTURES !! Loads and loads of them !
:D :D
Pinky's bringing three cameras, PSW's bringing one, Vian's bringing one/ two, Jo's bringing one and I'm bringing two. :)
Oh, watched Alice in Wonderland last night.
Just okay okay, but I was in the mood for cartoon-ish movies so, it was awesome. :D
Gonna nap now, although I'm not that sleepy.
But I've Physics tuition later, so I KNOW I'll be sleepy later. Hahah. :P