But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep the head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an up-hill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Having barbeque party with the girls
I think I'm gonna cook spaghetti for them.

More pictures next time.
Dad took the camera, so I can't post the pictures I took a week back at the orchid exhibition in Sunway.

Earth Hour's tomorrow.
Everyone I know seems to be very excited about it.

Oh! Another thing.
Choral speaking competition has been postponed to the 8th of April due to some immature people.

That's all.
Going to Berapit for Cheng Beng tomorrow.
For those who don't know what is Cheng Beng (清明节; pinyin: Qīngmíngjié), it is equivalent to All Soul's Day.
Tomorrow, is to pray Mummy's Mummy. I'll be going with Mummy, Aunts & cousins.
Daddy would be working.
I never seen her before. Only pictures.
Sunday will be going to pray Daddy's parents.
I miss them. They were here when I was young.

Death is certain, life is unsure.Anyways, Good Night!

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
Ive to go to school this holidays for choral speaking competition.
*slaps forehead

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (8 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
No voice arrrr!
But I skipped Friday one.
Sick already lor.
Flu & sorethroat.
This is what we do during our break. Eat at Ananda Bahwan!
More pictures soon after I edit all of them.
Next, Ive no idea what homework Ive got.
& Ive not done any yet.
So Im off to do my homework!

*waves frantically
Im so sorry for whatever happened between us.
I know it's definitely partially my fault.
I have a feeling we've, or maybe I have been the one that's too harsh on you.
Maybe cause I heard what people said about you talking bad about me.
I didnt even look at myself in the mirror.
& I just said everything that was on my mind.
Im sorry about all the things I've said about you.
But there are times you did make me angry.
We are just humans.
We do these so often that we dont even realize that we're being so stupid and childish.
Or maybe Im only the one.
Anyways, Im truly sorry.
& yeah, you've been the friend when I need help whenever or whatsoever.
You've been there.
You know who you are, Im sorry kay.
Thanks for confronting.
p/s: Do not ask what this post is all about. It's not your business. I'll tell you if I want to.
I know it's definitely partially my fault.
I have a feeling we've, or maybe I have been the one that's too harsh on you.
Maybe cause I heard what people said about you talking bad about me.
I didnt even look at myself in the mirror.
& I just said everything that was on my mind.
Im sorry about all the things I've said about you.
But there are times you did make me angry.
We are just humans.
We do these so often that we dont even realize that we're being so stupid and childish.
Or maybe Im only the one.
Anyways, Im truly sorry.
& yeah, you've been the friend when I need help whenever or whatsoever.
You've been there.
You know who you are, Im sorry kay.
Thanks for confronting.
p/s: Do not ask what this post is all about. It's not your business. I'll tell you if I want to.
Just gonna wish Joshua Teh Ming Han, Happy 17th birthday!
Please stop bullying me.
& I will stop slapping you.

One thing about him, he has SERIOUS spikes on his head of his.
*pokes pokes
Dont think so? See below.

Eh eh, love me for posting me ehh.
Anyways, Happy Birthday, dude!
Good luck in your SPM.
Just gonna wish Joshua Teh Ming Han, Happy 17th birthday!
Please stop bullying me.
& I will stop slapping you.

One thing about him, he has SERIOUS spikes on his head of his.
*pokes pokes
Dont think so? See below.

Anyways, Happy Birthday, dude!
Good luck in your SPM.

Hello People from all around the world!

Mmm Hmmm.
Today was SPCA's food fair at the hawker center opposite Billion Kota Permai.

Jo, Vian, Stephenie & PSW said they wanna follow me.
But in the end only PSW went.
There were loads of doggies!

One man left his dog on the table I was sitting.
So, I played with it and took its picts!
I've got the same dog like this.
It's of the same colour and almost same breed, I think.
Its mum is a pure bred Shih-tzu (like mine) and the dad is a terrier (like mine too!).
The product that came out was the same.
Then, gbro promised he would come too.
& he was with us from 11 to 3.
He took my camera and took loads of stupid picts.
Then, I took his bracelet and took picts.
Aaron, I wanna show you this!

Like it?
I drank this & told gbro that I wanna get drunk.
So, I asked him when wanna go out.
He said today cant cause tomorrow got presentation.
So, I said next Sat.
He said okay. But another "he" is not letting me to get drunk.

That's all.

Mmm Hmmm.
Today was SPCA's food fair at the hawker center opposite Billion Kota Permai.

Jo, Vian, Stephenie & PSW said they wanna follow me.
But in the end only PSW went.

There were loads of doggies!

One man left his dog on the table I was sitting.
So, I played with it and took its picts!

It's of the same colour and almost same breed, I think.
Its mum is a pure bred Shih-tzu (like mine) and the dad is a terrier (like mine too!).
The product that came out was the same.
Then, gbro promised he would come too.
& he was with us from 11 to 3.
He took my camera and took loads of stupid picts.
Then, I took his bracelet and took picts.
Aaron, I wanna show you this!

Gbro kept poking and "Madam-ing" me.
Fyi, it's from Love Matters.
Yes, this is my beloved gbro and SeeWeiP.
He's sooo gonna slaughter me if he saw this editted pict.

There's something behind it.
Fyi, it's from Love Matters.
He's sooo gonna slaughter me if he saw this editted pict.

There's something behind it.
So, I asked him when wanna go out.
He said today cant cause tomorrow got presentation.
So, I said next Sat.
He said okay. But another "he" is not letting me to get drunk.

That's all.
Two Words, NOT happy!

Dont worry.
I wont be cussing in this post.
Maybe a lil?
This post will not be fully the truth but it is true.
Don't understand then don't bother.

The puppy, yes, the one on my header, has been sold.
Boo Hoo!
Mum sold it to her friend.

No more puppy in the house anymore!
Another one would be, that girl is such a bitch.
Two-faced bitch!
Bad mouthed about me but was smiling and talking to me like we're friends.
WTF, Bitch!
Then, ..................
*screams lungs out*

Look below.

Please donate to meee.
It's empty now.
Who wants to be the lucky first?!

I didnt bother going round the school.
Everyone's doing the same.

Two Words, NOT happy!

Dont worry.
I wont be cussing in this post.
Maybe a lil?
This post will not be fully the truth but it is true.
Don't understand then don't bother.

The puppy, yes, the one on my header, has been sold.
Boo Hoo!

Mum sold it to her friend.

No more puppy in the house anymore!
Another one would be, that girl is such a bitch.
Two-faced bitch!
Bad mouthed about me but was smiling and talking to me like we're friends.
WTF, Bitch!
Then, ..................
*screams lungs out*

Look below.

Please donate to meee.
It's empty now.
Who wants to be the lucky first?!

I didnt bother going round the school.
Everyone's doing the same.

So, I sneak out of a garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little town
Today went Add Maths tuition like usual.
Talked a lot w/ teacher.

I ♥ Additional Mathematics!

I'm high todayy! *runs around the house
Friends came my house to finish up our PSK Folio but we ended up playing & talking about politics, as usual.
*shakes head*
Was having "The-No-Life" life for the whole day.
I want to go out!
Take me out! Anyone?
I wanna watch Slumdog!
Weeeiihhhhhh. Desperado's on the loose laaa!
Finee, no one wants to take me out.
I'll rot at home! By myself!
About last night.
Went to Starbucks w/ Daddy, Mummy, Aunt and Grandpa!

Those were what I ordered.
Nights everyone!
I wanna make up right na na na,
I wanna make up right na na na,
Wish we never broke up na na na,
We need to link up right na na na.
Haven't been doing anyth lately.
No phone : No Pics : No Post
∴ , no phone equals to no updated blog.
Fineeee, don't bother what Im crapping about.
Yay! First exams ends!

Eh, wait, Ive got EST next Tues.

Last minute one.
I never got a lesson on that at all.
So, I asked whether need to study one a not.
He just answered, "Hmm. No need. No need."
You rock, Sir!

Anyways, Im sure to fail my Physics.
I dont understand what the questions asking also.
& I skipped 4 questions of Add Maths.
Oh man! I've got time but Idk how to do.
Dad's having a charity food fair next Sunday (15th March).
& Mum's going Bangkok.
Sooooo, she left me in charge to sell off the fat puppy!

Note to Public : Wanna buy? Give a call or whatsoever equivalent to that.
Give you all see another one. 

Loveeeeeeeee ♥