But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep the head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an up-hill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Having barbeque party with the girls
I think I'm gonna cook spaghetti for them.

More pictures next time.
Dad took the camera, so I can't post the pictures I took a week back at the orchid exhibition in Sunway.

Earth Hour's tomorrow.
Everyone I know seems to be very excited about it.

Oh! Another thing.
Choral speaking competition has been postponed to the 8th of April due to some immature people.

That's all.
Going to Berapit for Cheng Beng tomorrow.
For those who don't know what is Cheng Beng (清明节; pinyin: Qīngmíngjié), it is equivalent to All Soul's Day.
Tomorrow, is to pray Mummy's Mummy. I'll be going with Mummy, Aunts & cousins.
Daddy would be working.
I never seen her before. Only pictures.
Sunday will be going to pray Daddy's parents.
I miss them. They were here when I was young.

Death is certain, life is unsure.Anyways, Good Night!

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