This pict is taken at the beginning of the year&& it aint my middle finger
Kidnap My Heart, Take Me W/ You...
omg. The song's stuck in my head.
Pictures time!

Laugh Out Loud! The cars beside mine were laughing too when they saw this car. =PP 
Cute mou?! Silky Terrier mixed w/ Shih Tzu.
Big Foot's the name ; A Pup Golden Retriever
Elaine : This's the one.
my beautiful RED nails && godbro's Arsenal keychain. It matches!Kays. That's all for now.
Oh! Wait!
Got one more pic.
Another drawing from Hsien! lmao Cute ahh??! *Laugh Out Loud*p/s : going abroad in less than 24 hours. T__________T
p/p/s : drop me any message in the Cbox if you've got anything to tell me when Im abroad. I'll tune in my blog to see. *winks*