You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
That song is so f-ing cute, lol.
Anyway, I made cupcakes together with TheSis.
I did the stirring (w/ a electric mixer, of course) and TheSis did the measuring and baking.
The cuppie-cakes are oh-so-cute !
Look, look !
Brought to sch the next day for TheBuds to enjoy.
Babes, aren't you lucky to be my friend ?
Went to sch today, but came home during recess.
It was WAAAY too boring okay ?
None of TheBuds went to sch, seriously.
Penang Bridge Marathon's this weekend !
Staying over for a night at Gold Coast like last year.
It's actually Stephenie's house/ apartment/ condominium.
Will be hanging out in Queens for the whole day. :)
And and anddddddd,
Oh yeah, I used my debit card for the first time on Monday and used up all the cash in it on the Twilight set, lol.
Hear, hear. Time to add cash !
Anyone up for any donations ?

Really long since I've blogged.
There's a post still in draft.
Photo editor is always down so, can't publish yet, TSK.
Anyway, I went to apply for my debit card with TheSister after school yesterday afternoon.
Yes, I'm super happy right now.
Yay ! *slashes ' My Very Own Debit Card ' in wishlist
Just one prob, every single debit going in and out of it is all on my own.
I think I should prolly set up a Donate-to-Szien's page in my blog, lol.
School's been a total bore after exams.
Results are.....*speechless
When I was about to get my papers back, I just hope I passed at least.
And till now, two of my worst subs just ngam ngam passed. -_-
SPM's next year already la girl ! Try to work harder ! :(I'm always at Pinky's class playing UNO/ self-made poker/ Ludo.
School's boring w/o them. *pouts
They skipped sch today leaving only four of us out of fifteen in our gang.
Yes, "gang", lol.
DSLR lens is broken/ dislocated/ whatsoever.
I'm the one who's gonna need to fork out the money to repair it, zzz.
I'm only a SIXTEEN-year-old STUDENT with NO income !
Okay, done ranting/ boasting here, lol. *waves
And yeah, I HATE ulcers. T.T
Can't wait for Dr. Looi's appointment next Monday.
Stupid wires, pffft.
My tongue is going to have ulcers soon too. :(
p/s : Registered for belly-dancing classes. I'm going 'cause TheSister offered to pay, hehs and flat stomach, here I come ! *dances