Anyways, I’m very ecstatic for her having a blazing party last Sunday. It was jovial and affecting. Thanks to those people who came :) However, today is her official birthday so c’mon peeps, go wish her now! Text her! Call her! Go goooooo XD
Well, a little confession here, I suck at coming up with birthday wishes, so I guess I just speak out my heart here.
It’s amazing how things advanced, we started out as online friends exchanging tags at cbox. Coquettish and playfulness comments followed at Friendster and the next thing we know, we became best friends. We shared everything, dark nor bright moments. It’s wonderful to have someone like her. It really does. I’m blessed, I thank God for that.
** February 22nd 2009, the turning point of my life. It was the day we progressed further than just besties. Love **
I’m not good in expressing myself, the funny thing is, I have loads to evince , just I’m not good at letting it out. So baby, forgive me in some stuff I did and most importantly my sensitivity. I am pushy at times, plus I’m confuse with how girls think or what they want sometimes. Nevertheless, I always do what feels right, and I care. Very much. Don't ever give up on me okay? I love you Lim Su-Szien.
Happy 16th Birthday <33
If you let me, I'll love you unconditionally till the very last second of our lives.
That's my official promise to you :]
I told Daddy that I wanted to try out Wey Sern Cafe.
A little intro about this cafe.
This cafe is owned by two sisters (Heng King Wey and Heng King Sern), and they are very very smart.
Seriously smart as in getting straight A's in school since young.
(They were from my school, lol.)
King Wey got her capital by convincing her father to use up the money saved up for her medical studies overseas.
“I wanted to help people, my friends. God has given me a lot of opportunities in life, now I want to create opportunities for others as well,” she said. This was evident from the education fund initiated by the restaurant in aid of young people with financial difficulties to further their studies. A large portion of Weysern’s profit in the first month went into the fund, which in turn provided financial aid to a friend who wanted to further her studies.
Got this quote from The Star's R.age article.
Anyway, Dad decided to order steamboat.
It was good.
*thumbs up
The seafood were fresh.
So tempting.
Hahah !
Info :-
Wey Sern CafeSpecialises in Fresh Seafood including Crabs, NZ Mussel, Pomfret, Fresh King Prawn, Fresh Hydroponic Vegetables and assorted mushroom. Soup base: Tom Yam and Clear Mushroom soup. Menu: Ala Carte or set order.
No 1, Jalan Bukit Tambun, Taman Tambun Indah, , Seberang Perai
Business Hour: 5.00pm - 10.30pm (Everyday).
Nasi Lemak Rendang Ayam and Prawn, 7.30am - 10.00pm
Phone: 04-5682988

Aaron and Jia Wei came to my house, again, to fetch Yi Jo, Pinky and me to Simpang Ampat.
If you do not know where it is, one word, FAR !
We waited at Taman Impian for Aemus to come 'cause he doesn't know how to go neither my house nor Vian's house.
So, had to lead him.
Then, Phang See Wei called and asked us to go her house to fetch her 'cause she doesn't have transport.

Her house is at Tambun, which is a little further than Vian's house, wtf.
When we reached TheBirthdayGirl's house, we were like mice, I tell you.
We were still outside her house, whispering, LOL.
Oh btw, Yee Ween (Vian's sister) and I have been planning this and that those few days.
She didn't tell Vian that she's coming back.
Let me continue, we were like being so quiet right, then you know what, Beckham and 黑黑 (BlackBlack, lol) were barking like mad.
Both of them are Rottweilers.
Yee Ween and Kah Min (Vian's brother) put the dogs behind and let us in.
TheBirthdayGirl : *rub eyes and mumbles Still sleeping one ma, heard you all talking, blablabla.
HAHAHAH, but we weren't talking, we were WHISPERING !
And Pinky fed her one mouth of the Lemon Butter Cake, and she said, "Just woke up la, didn't brush teeth also. "
We went down and played with QQ, her toy poodle, while waiting for her to get ready.
Mother Monkey : Baby come, Mummy eat your fleas for you. ( NYAHAHAH )
Daughter Monkey : *plays with phone Okay. ♥
When everyone's done, Vian's parents took all of us for breakfast.
Dim Sum ♥, my all-time fav. ;D
And we were like, "Let's learn to drive !"
Aaron let me drive his Avanza and Pinky drove Aemus' City.
♥ ♥
Went to Sunway after that.
Bought tickets for The Proposal.
Went to the arcade for a while.
The guys wanted to play their car racing game.
We stood and watched.
*annoyed look
We walked around the arcade then Pinky and Vian played 'Let's Go Jungle' .
It's some shooting game.
After that, the guys stayed there and we took Aaron to get his hair cut.
Rushed to the cinema after he cut his hair.
Bought 1901 for lunch and ate it in the cinema.
I got ready cause TheFamily wanna go out for dinner to celebrate TheSister's birthday.
Yup, they share the same birthdate, heh.
Blog about that soon.
p/s : Party in four days' time and Sweet Sixteen in eight days' time ! *grins