Back from Malacca
It wasn't totally the best days of my life but I'm beginning to accept everything.
At least, we managed to get fourth of the sixteen groups there.
*flashes peace sign
Anyway, let's start from the beginning.
Few days before the competition ;
Puan Haryaty, our Choral Speaking Teacher Advisor, gave us a pep talk and dedicated us The Climb.
I never realized the lyrics were so meaningful.
Everyone was crying, tissues were gone in a blink of an eye. LOL !
And that's Pinky, btw.
Eve of the registration day ;
Malacca, here we come ! / Day One ;
I woke up quite late, one hour extra than the time I was supposed to wake up at.
Tsk tsk
Reached school around 7.45 a.m.
Pinky bought roses again.
Fyi, we always buy roses and get blessings before we head to our choral speaking competitions.
Vian's the photographer.
See how much she would sacrifice for us.
Teacher, we ♥ you. *blows kisses
Then, we reached Bukit Merah and we stopped at the rest house there.
We met a team there and in the end, they were the team sitting in front of us, Team 15 !
They are from Convent Father Barre.
They were very supportive during the whole competition. ;]
We met a team there and in the end, they were the team sitting in front of us, Team 15 !
They are from Convent Father Barre.
They were very supportive during the whole competition. ;]
*sticks out tongue
Then, we stopped at Tapah.
Then, we went for BR !
She's my neighbour in class !

*shakes head
*flashes toothy smile
Four of us were listening to the conversation between Joshua and Alice.
Vian has this extension for two earphones so, that's why four of us got to listen.
And after a while, we got bored again.
Guess what one of us thought of doing.
*points below
Guess what one of us thought of doing.
*points below
Fyi, Kuma Kuma belongs to Phang See Wei.
Double LOL !
There's actually a picture of her almost crying but I'm gonna be the good guy girl here.

Then, after a while again.......
We started to get bored.
Pinky started playing with Vian's hair.

And something random came up.
*jeng jeng jeng*
Guess what TheBud's doing. *coughs

YES ! We reached !
(Blogging about in the bus for so long ?!)
*wipes sweat

We take picture where ever we go.
Luckily I took Aaron's laptop to Malacca, so, I could transfer all the pictures into it.
" Szien ! You're so smart ! "

I can see all of you with the three drops of sweat beside your temples.
This was the first thing I did when I went in the room.
Committed to CS much.
See la ! I brought shoe whitener !
I'm like the COOLEST person on Earth to do that !

I know you're thinking this.
" Why got such a conceited bitch one har? "
Pinky : Eh eh, take a picture of Vian putting the swiss roll into my mouth !
Vian : *poses with swiss roll
Were waiting for TheOtherRoom to get ready.
I didn't edit this picture.
The air conditioner in the room made the DSLR's lens like that.
I ♥ this picture !
The Pool !
Half of TheBuds ♥
Below are the pictures of our dishes.
It looks spicy but actually it's not, It's f-ing sweet.

Watermelon is usually the best part of the meal right ?
But guess what, none of us ate.
#1. Most of us were coughing like mad. Go figure !
#2. Abigail said it doesn't look fresh.

Then, since we were done first, we went to have a stroll by ourselves around the resort.
Cam ho-ed everywhere.

Took pictures of loads of stuff, Vian that is. LOL
She even took picture with the signboard !
*smacks forehead

Sandals United !

Do you have this ?
Nooo, I don't think so.
(Meant for IDIOTS)

Most of us were settled down.
A few teams were kinda late, I think they were from Kelantan or Terengganu.
Yup, I know you noticed the fucking eyebags.
As I said above, I slept so late the previous night and woke up so early the next morning.
And it was kinda late when we had our briefing.

Then, after a while again.......
We started to get bored.
Pinky started playing with Vian's hair.

And something random came up.
*jeng jeng jeng*

YES ! We reached !
(Blogging about in the bus for so long ?!)
*wipes sweat
Luckily I took Aaron's laptop to Malacca, so, I could transfer all the pictures into it.
" Szien ! You're so smart ! "

I can see all of you with the three drops of sweat beside your temples.
Anyway ! Back to the post !
Vian, Pinky, Jo and I shared one room while Alice, Jo-Ey, Chelsea and Phang See Wei shared another.
Vian, Pinky, Jo and I shared one room while Alice, Jo-Ey, Chelsea and Phang See Wei shared another.
Committed to CS much.
I'm like the COOLEST person on Earth to do that !

I know you're thinking this.
" Why got such a conceited bitch one har? "
And, we bathed. Vian bathed first, I think.
She came out, and I took this.
Then righhhht, we were so hungryyy !
Luckily, these junkies brought loads of junks along.
She came out, and I took this.
Then righhhht, we were so hungryyy !
Luckily, these junkies brought loads of junks along.
Vian : *poses with swiss roll
Then, after bathing, we met up at the dining hall for dinner !
I didn't edit this picture.
The air conditioner in the room made the DSLR's lens like that.
I ♥ this picture !
Then, on the way, I took their pictures from the back, but you have no idea how long I need to take to edit one picture.
So, look into my Facebook if you want to see them pictures. ;]
So, look into my Facebook if you want to see them pictures. ;]
Below are the pictures of our dishes.

But guess what, none of us ate.
#1. Most of us were coughing like mad. Go figure !
#2. Abigail said it doesn't look fresh.
Cam ho-ed everywhere.

Took pictures of loads of stuff, Vian that is. LOL
She even took picture with the signboard !
*smacks forehead

We went in the ballroom hall for our briefing from 8 to I-don't-know-what-time.
We went in the ballroom hall for our briefing from 8 to I-don't-know-what-time.
Nooo, I don't think so.
(Meant for IDIOTS)

A few teams were kinda late, I think they were from Kelantan or Terengganu.

As I said above, I slept so late the previous night and woke up so early the next morning.
And it was kinda late when we had our briefing.
Some of us had not finish ironing our Baju Kurung, and loads of commotions were happening at the hall between a few states.
The last bench behind was too high for the third row girls.
Oh wait, it wasn't a bench ! It was a table !
So, HELLO ! How do expect us girls to climb a table gracefully ?
We were wearing skirts for God sake !
So, BigPeople gathered up the sixteen states' teacher advisors to discuss whether they should change the bench/ table.
I think most of them said no, obviously.
But in the end, we got another extra bench below for them to climb up easier.
I bet most of you don't understand, so nevermind.
And, we lacked of ribbons.
*smacks forehead
When we were worrying about that, it was almost ONE !
Luckily, I had time to finish up my ironing.
All of us quickly got back to our room and sleep.
Competition Day ! / Day Two ;
Abigail knocked on our room at 5 smth.
We were supposed to wake up at 6 only !
Sheeeesh ! Hahahah.
Some of them woke up at 4.
You know, we had three rooms on that morning.
First Room ; To straighten the curly hair of our girls so, it's easier to tie.
Second Room ; To tie the puff above our heads and used loads of spray. (That's our room.)
Third Room ; To tie the ribbons. (Only one of us knows how to tie cause she, Serena came up with the idea. In another word, if anyone has the same style like the below picture, they copied us. *winks)
That's Jo, btw.
Jo-Ey and her I-Come-In-Peace sign.

The Malacca Team
Their famous quote : "Mr. Chin, Mr. Chin......."
OurGirls ♥
My White Shoes
The last bench behind was too high for the third row girls.
Oh wait, it wasn't a bench ! It was a table !
So, HELLO ! How do expect us girls to climb a table gracefully ?
We were wearing skirts for God sake !
So, BigPeople gathered up the sixteen states' teacher advisors to discuss whether they should change the bench/ table.
I think most of them said no, obviously.
But in the end, we got another extra bench below for them to climb up easier.
I bet most of you don't understand, so nevermind.
And, we lacked of ribbons.
*smacks forehead
When we were worrying about that, it was almost ONE !
Luckily, I had time to finish up my ironing.
All of us quickly got back to our room and sleep.
Competition Day ! / Day Two ;
Abigail knocked on our room at 5 smth.
We were supposed to wake up at 6 only !
Sheeeesh ! Hahahah.
Some of them woke up at 4.
You know, we had three rooms on that morning.
First Room ; To straighten the curly hair of our girls so, it's easier to tie.
Second Room ; To tie the puff above our heads and used loads of spray. (That's our room.)
Third Room ; To tie the ribbons. (Only one of us knows how to tie cause she, Serena came up with the idea. In another word, if anyone has the same style like the below picture, they copied us. *winks)

Their famous quote : "Mr. Chin, Mr. Chin......."
Then, since we were the last team, we would only perform during the second-half of the competition.
During the 15-minutes break, we quickly walked to our room and iron my Baju Kurung.
They told me to take out my top but I, being the lazy self, so.............
*points below

I put the pillow into me, and Vian started ironing me.
Double LOL !
Darn, we are so creative !

I've no idea what school this is.
Anyone ?

I ♥ this ! 'Cause I took this. LOL
TheBlogger ♥
PinkyT ♥
JoT ♥
AliceT ♥
Jo-EyK ♥
ChelseaK ♥
Yup ! Her name's Chelsea. ;]

I've got such crazy and horny friends.
I heart them so much for being like that.
During the 15-minutes break, we quickly walked to our room and iron my Baju Kurung.
They told me to take out my top but I, being the lazy self, so.............
*points below
Double LOL !
Darn, we are so creative !

Anyone ?
Then our turn is done !
Sorry, there are no pictures of us.
We walked back to our rooms, 'cause they would only announce the results around 1 1/2 hours later.
Sorry, there are no pictures of us.
We walked back to our rooms, 'cause they would only announce the results around 1 1/2 hours later.
Yup ! Her name's Chelsea. ;]
I heart them so much for being like that.
We did not eat our breakfast.
We were so busy with our hair and ribbons !
Once we reached our rooms, all of us took out our skirt and wore shorts and we ended up looking like a hospital patient.
Nyahahah !
I was so tired and sleepy and I wanted to sleep but TheCrazyFriends kept talking and playing and bullying someone. LOL
Then, we had to head back to the hall again for the closing ceremony, which also meant getting our results.

Reached the hall, and I took a few pictures just for fun.
We were one of the earliest, thank you.

The props for the students of SK Sacred Heart to perform their numbers
We were so busy with our hair and ribbons !
Once we reached our rooms, all of us took out our skirt and wore shorts and we ended up looking like a hospital patient.
Nyahahah !
I was so tired and sleepy and I wanted to sleep but TheCrazyFriends kept talking and playing and bullying someone. LOL
Then, we had to head back to the hall again for the closing ceremony, which also meant getting our results.
Reached the hall, and I took a few pictures just for fun.
We were one of the earliest, thank you.
The BigPeople were so not punctual, wtf.
We waited for more than one hour, wtf.
So, most of us slept.
*points self

We waited for more than one hour, wtf.
So, most of us slept.
*points self
At last the BigPeople reached.
Then, the Sacred Heart's students performed.
They were so cute !
There was one student who wore an Afro wig , OMG !
CUTE ! ♥
And and, they wore animal suit.
They were champions for two years in a row.

Then, they announced the results.
They announced the 13 states first then the Top 3.
When they announced the 13th state, we were totally dumbfounded.
Everyone's faces were totally blur and blank.
Some Most of us broke down.
But anyway, team mates ! , at least we got to Nationals right !
And, we met loads of people. (Makes me even happier. LOL)

Went back to room, one cried, then three started crying.
Nyahahahahah !
Contagious much.
I seriously love crying, don't you feel much freer after crying ?
'Cause I do.
We cried then laughed.
And we did something naughty.
*nudges Pinky
Teacher told us to get ready fast 'cause we were going out for sight seeing and shopping.
And we were SO SO hungry !
No breakfast and no lunch, mind you !

Then, the Sacred Heart's students performed.
They were so cute !
There was one student who wore an Afro wig , OMG !
CUTE ! ♥
And and, they wore animal suit.
They were champions for two years in a row.
Then, they announced the results.
They announced the 13 states first then the Top 3.
When they announced the 13th state, we were totally dumbfounded.
Everyone's faces were totally blur and blank.
But anyway, team mates ! , at least we got to Nationals right !
And, we met loads of people. (Makes me even happier. LOL)

Went back to room, one cried, then three started crying.
Nyahahahahah !
Contagious much.
I seriously love crying, don't you feel much freer after crying ?
'Cause I do.
We cried then laughed.
And we did something naughty.
*nudges Pinky
Teacher told us to get ready fast 'cause we were going out for sight seeing and shopping.
And we were SO SO hungry !
No breakfast and no lunch, mind you !
Our stop !

That's Jo-Ey laaaaaaaa.
Cute right !
*blows kisses

These CutiePies were imitating Ya-Lun.
Cute right !?

My friends are all so cute right !
We play real hard.

Jo-Ey and I exhanged our Starbucks.
I feel like having Chai now.
You're broke ! Rememberrrr

Alice looked the stiffest.
We quickly ran up the stage before anyone shoos us away.
Memories ~
I think we were at Nike.

Then, on the way, we waved to a guy who was waving to us (we thought so).
But actually he was asking us to stop.
Yup, we are that dumb.
We kept shouting and asking teacher to stop the bus but no one wanted to bother us.
Pinky ran straight to the front and tell teacher.
*wipes sweat
We were so worried.
We met a new friend then.
We stopped by some where.
And we went down to take pictures !

We started throwing our bags and jumping, then other friends started to join us.

Get ready,
Get set.........,
GO !

Highhhhhhhh ~ !
*blows kisses
Cute right !?
We play real hard.

Some China tourists came to us and wanted to take pictures with us.
Nyeks, we're oh-so-famous yo !
We ran to McD, like really really fast and the other China tourists were like, OMG.
And the tour guide told them, "他们是学生." (They are students.)
They talked to us when we were running everywhere and camwhoring.
Total FUN-NESS !

She asked me to take this picture so that she gets to see how she looks like at that moment.
As we were heading out, this lady asked us where were we from.
Her son is so friendly and cute, omg.
Nyeks, we're oh-so-famous yo !
We ran to McD, like really really fast and the other China tourists were like, OMG.
And the tour guide told them, "他们是学生." (They are students.)
They talked to us when we were running everywhere and camwhoring.
Total FUN-NESS !
Her son is so friendly and cute, omg.
We walked to the mall (Dataran Pahlawan), and one of TheBuds ♥ fell down. *pouts
I tell you ar, this trip damn suey one lor.
I also fell down okay !
One day before the competition some more.
Got blood and blue black okayyy !
Until now still blue black ar !
Two weeks already !
*shakes head
Many people had fever before the competition also ar.
I bet there are spirits wandering around.
Enough of that, less talking and MORE pictures !
Our first store was Brands Outlet.
All of us bought Printed T's there.
I bought two.
I tell you ar, this trip damn suey one lor.
I also fell down okay !
One day before the competition some more.
Got blood and blue black okayyy !
Until now still blue black ar !
Two weeks already !
*shakes head
Many people had fever before the competition also ar.
I bet there are spirits wandering around.
Enough of that, less talking and MORE pictures !
Our first store was Brands Outlet.
All of us bought Printed T's there.
I bought two.
I bought one here. *flashes big grin
I feel like having Chai now.
You're broke ! Rememberrrr

Memories ~
The shops were closing, we quickly ran out to the entrance and walked back to our bus which is the other side.
We waved to everyone we passed (The Choral Speakers. Yup, all of us went to the same place.) when we were in the bus. LOL !
Friendly righhhht.
We waved to everyone we passed (The Choral Speakers. Yup, all of us went to the same place.) when we were in the bus. LOL !
Friendly righhhht.

Then, on the way, we waved to a guy who was waving to us (we thought so).
But actually he was asking us to stop.
Yup, we are that dumb.
We kept shouting and asking teacher to stop the bus but no one wanted to bother us.
Pinky ran straight to the front and tell teacher.
*wipes sweat
We were so worried.
We met a new friend then.
We stopped by some where.
And we went down to take pictures !
We started throwing our bags and jumping, then other friends started to join us.
Get set.........,
GO !
Then, we went straight back to our resort.
*all smiles
Our room was very dirty.
We were very busy okay.
No time to keep our stuff also.
One person brought two shoes and one slippers.
Total : 4 x 3 = 12 pairs

We slept around one-ish, I think.
*all smiles
Our room was very dirty.
We were very busy okay.
No time to keep our stuff also.
Total : 4 x 3 = 12 pairs
Then, they said they wanna play UNO.
Opened it and they said they tired already.
*smacks forehead
Opened it and they said they tired already.
*smacks forehead
We slept around one-ish, I think.
Back To Penang ! / Day Three ;
See the wooden cupboard ?
It's actually from their room and they took it out the previous night 'cause there was a spider in it.

Walked to the lobby and sat on our luggages while waiting for our bus and looking at pictures I uploaded the previous night with Aaron's laptop.
Played Pikaball, which we did not know how.
I took a few pictures for memories.

Bus came !
We stopped by at Taman Buaya, but TheBuds ♥ and I did not go in.
Instead, we walked to McD which was right beside it.
Bought McD's Breakfast.
Went up the bus and sleep, TheOtherTeamMates watched Slumdog Millionaire.
I ate mine when I woke up.
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

When we were bored, we started murdering Kuma Kuma again.
In case, you forgot who is that or what is that.
*points below
There you go.
*evil smirk
It's actually from their room and they took it out the previous night 'cause there was a spider in it.
Walked to the lobby and sat on our luggages while waiting for our bus and looking at pictures I uploaded the previous night with Aaron's laptop.
Played Pikaball, which we did not know how.
I took a few pictures for memories.
Bus came !
We stopped by at Taman Buaya, but TheBuds ♥ and I did not go in.
Instead, we walked to McD which was right beside it.
Bought McD's Breakfast.
Went up the bus and sleep, TheOtherTeamMates watched Slumdog Millionaire.
I ate mine when I woke up.
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
When we were bored, we started murdering Kuma Kuma again.
In case, you forgot who is that or what is that.
*points below
There you go.

TheBuds ♥ wanted to take pictures with it.

Later on, we stopped at the Sungai Buloh Restaurant Bridge.
TheBuds ♥ were totally not satisfied of the amount of shopping they have done in Malacca.
We walked to Al- Ikhsan.
Jo-Ey and I kept taking pictures while they chose their stuffs.

Jo-Ey ♥ and TheBlogtress ♥


Later on, we stopped at the Sungai Buloh Restaurant Bridge.
TheBuds ♥ were totally not satisfied of the amount of shopping they have done in Malacca.
We walked to Al- Ikhsan.
Jo-Ey and I kept taking pictures while they chose their stuffs.
Bought A&W and magazines then walked back to bus.
Then we stopped at Tapah !
I bought 74 bucks worth of Guava and Jambu !
Continued our journey, and slept till we reached Bukit Merah.
Reached school around 6.50.
We saw Puan Haryaty waiting for us at the school gate, and some of us started crying.
We felt we disappointed her whaaaaaaaaaaaat !
Then we stopped at Tapah !
I bought 74 bucks worth of Guava and Jambu !
Continued our journey, and slept till we reached Bukit Merah.
Reached school around 6.50.
We saw Puan Haryaty waiting for us at the school gate, and some of us started crying.
We felt we disappointed her whaaaaaaaaaaaat !
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Hey this is the best blog ever.. i love it!! this blog inspires me.. hehe if u have more please do tell..
Aww, thanks ! More of what, may I ask ? Thanks for the feedback. :)