Last Friday, I went to the Island with Abigail, Jia Huey and Phang See Wei for Abigail's singing audition.
One of the JPN guys, Encik Azizan took us there.
First, we went to St. Georges because he needs to train a girl on her poem recitation.
They were going as a team for Nationals in Sabah, I think.

The singers.
Both of them have really good voices.
The one in black got third placing in some competition on TV9.
Group Photo.
Their teacher adviser took a video of them practicing, then she used the projector and let everyone watch it on the wall.
Their co-op.
We met our ex- civics teacher there.
This is like, so yummy ! ♥
My first time eating it, heh.
Guess who ?
He went to get the materials for Vian's cake.

She used the drop at least twice an hour, very annoying.

Chung Ling boys practicing their vocal.

This boy has loads of OOMPH.
He shakes mad loads !
This one, ......*speechless
Abigail ! Awesome !
One of the JPN guys, Encik Azizan took us there.
First, we went to St. Georges because he needs to train a girl on her poem recitation.
They were going as a team for Nationals in Sabah, I think.
Both of them have really good voices.
The one in black got third placing in some competition on TV9.
Then, Encik Azizan took us to Tesco Extra for lunch while he went for a meeting at JPN.

My first time eating it, heh.
He went to get the materials for Vian's cake.
Encik A. came to fetch us around 2.30 and we head to SMK Bukit Jambul for the audition.
He shakes mad loads !
Head back to Mainland around 5.30.
Jam like mad.
Reached school around 6-ish.
Jam like mad.
Reached school around 6-ish.